Wild Ride, Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

This quirky novel features Mab, a socially challenged workaholic, who while restoring an amusement park discovers it’s actually a prison for five of the most powerful demons in the world, and she’s called upon to help keep the reluctant devils in lockdown.  The second half of this novel is where things really get fun. Crusie and Mayer spend the first half of the book developing their character profiles, but it’s when the characters finally get to play off each other that this book really becomes engaging. This is a light and funny read, especially for fans of paranormal thrillers. I’ve read that some of Crusie’s fans are disappointed with this work since it’s a deviation from her typical romance genre. While this book contains some romance it’s definitely more a campy blend of action, mystery, and oddball humor. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would pack it in my beach bag anyday (if I lived near one), but probably wouldn’t recommend it for the book club.